By Kayla Cote
April 24, 2019
When you're in the process of starting a brand, it's exciting, which is a GREAT thing, but can be devastating when an idea takes a few to many tangents. Let's admit it, we've all been there at some point. (I know I have!) I'm here to let you know there is good news! We can all take efforts to build our brand on a strong foundation, a solid idea with room to grow and adapt as it matures. It sounds contradictory to be solid yet fluid at the same time. The way I like to look at it is by having a solid idea, a clear path which I want to take, keeping in mind there will be adjustments that need to happen along the way. Much like building something from scratch, a solid concept may be drafted up, but we may take a few shifts and turns to get to the final product. If we start with a solid foundation and a clear path, we'll be able to navigate the times we need to make a change. Our friend, Tony of Ward & Weston, is a craftsman of high-end wooden furniture. He designs and creates modern pieces for clients as well as custom cabinetry. Read further as he sheds light on his experience as a creative and as a business owner and how his foundation in Christ keeps him grounded, especially when it comes to the chaos that comes as a business owner.