Blog Post

How to Pivot Your Brand

Kayla Cote • May 17, 2019

How I Found Success in Shifting My Retail Business

photography by M.Schleif Photography

A few of you may already, but for those who don't. My husband, Piet, and I own a retail business called Dak & Collaboratives, which was built on the mission of showing love for local style. For the past two years we've designed, created and participated in vendor shows across the Fargo-Moorhead area. Now, as we enter into year three, we've had to come to terms with how the business was shifting.

Like most start-up businesses, shifts and changes have come along the way helping shape what our business is today. Some of those changes were strategic, while others took us by surprise. No matter what the circumstance, we try to approach each shift with grace and understanding. It's not always easy, but every time we're faced with change, we have an opportunity to become better at opening up to it.

In The Beginning

The first pivot we had to make was when Piet and I decided what type of business we wanted to become. The business started from a design I created called "Dak the Bison." The cleverly-designigned mark incorporates the word Fargo in then shape of the iconic North Dakota bison. We had the mark, but we weren't sure what to do with it. Our first idea was to become a home goods and decor brand, which not until a few months later, developed into an apparel brand. When that pivot happened, it felt the new path we entered down was right.

Fast-forward two years and we're at yet another pivot point. After two years as a Pop Up Shop, we're now amongst a shift into an online retail and wholesale rather than setting up at a physical location. The change is challenging, yet rewarding because similarly to the first shift, it feels like it's the next strategic step in the right direction.

Over the last two years as a Pop Up Shop, we've focused on face-to-face relationships and building our amazing customer base and network. Now, we are ready to grow and give in even more fun, exciting ways! We've learned so much serving the community and being a part of some pretty epic events and shows.

What We're up to Now

Along with setting up shop on location at events, we've also enjoyed having our studio space for people to come to during APT Market events. APT, an artist incubator, provides studio spaces to artists in the community. We planned collaborative events opening our studios to the public to shop for holiday season as well as for Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.

Our studio lease is up this June so Piet and I have been busy restructuring our brand in the world of online retail. We've done this by spending time fine-tuning our shop site and brand presence. Another avenue we are taking is partnering with local boutiques to bring them locally made styles.

Our Vision is still to show love for local style, but now our focus is on providing local style for local boutiques.

The Future of Dak & Collaboratives

With me behind the computer and Piet behind the press, we will continue to design and create all of our products by hand. We plan to bring new styles into our inventory while keeping some of our classic favorites.

The future looks bright with the new and exciting things happening within our brand. We look forward to partnering with boutiques as well as growing and sustaining our online store. We know openness to pivoting is crucial for this shift to be successful.

Tips on How to P.I.V.O.T.

Pause - When things aren’t working, or you know you have to make a shift. Pause what you are doing to give yourself ample time to think about the situation. We had to pause and regroup after spending two years as a Pop Up Shop. We realized we needed to revisit many facets of how effective that method has been for us. We realized we were at a point of either expanding into a retail space, or shifting in our business model.

Investigate - Investigate your options of how you’re going to make that change. Our process is a process of elimination. We start big and lay it all out on the drawing board and from there we chisel down and find the new direction we want to go. Investigating the options allows us to take strategic steps to make the shift happen.

Validate - This is where we experiment before making a full-on change. We map out the best case, worst case, and most likely scenarios of what could happen if we proceed with the shift. We can see all the possible outcomes and prepare for them before moving forward. We then choose the option which best suits where we're at.

Open new doors - This often is the scariest step, because it’s your first attempt at putting plans into action. We know that with opening new doors, old doors may close, and we're ready for that. As long as we stay honest and authentic to our brand and our values we will stay focused and on the right track.

Transform -This is where the magic happens! And although scary, and sometimes painful, change always creates growth. We embrace change so much that we now look forward to when it happens, even if it means switching gears towards a new direction. Without change, we stay stagnant. Change keeps us on our toes, it keeps us fresh and it helps us grow.

Where You Can Find Us

Shop with us online here !
Get in the know of what we're up to on our weekly DakCrew Newsletter
Give us a follow on Instagram @dak_life
Like us on Facebook @dakandcolifestyle

Read the full story of how we got started here !
Read our article in Design & Living Magazine here!

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