In the age of fishing through the weeds of an oversaturated internet, we often feel overwhelmed and bombarded with how much content we take in when our eyes are on the screen. Now more than ever it's important to create long-lasting and genuine connections. As a business, you may be asking yourself how to do this when living in a time when it's getting harder and harder to reach people. Today the average person takes in up to 10 hours of content per day. I alone spend upwards of 4 hours a day on my phone.
During the last few months, amongst my shift back into a career as a visual designer, I've noticed a positive trend happening within my new approach to how I communicate. In my blog post, "When In Doubt, Create," I spoke on my experience getting my creative groove back, and what I've discovered since writing that article has been incredible! At the time I wrote the article, I had decided to approach design focused on two key ideas in mind: to approach all that I do with a giving mindset and to approach them with a genuine heart.
I can tell you it's completely changed how I connect with everyone who I come into contact with. It's helped me create lasting connections, built trust and helped me fall back in love with being a designer. It's given me a new purpose and has positively helped me become a more productive, forward-thinking creative.
Nowadays there is so much importance on building an online presence, but what we often forget about is the importance of face-to-face communication. From what I've experienced in the last few months, face-to-face communication is a vital part of how we connect with those around us. When we create a real-life connection first, we're more likely to grow that relationship online as well.
You can use your experiences with face-to-face communication to influence how you engage with your online audience. By providing content which is genuine and valuable, you create a lasting connection. Whether you blog, create videos or post photos, do it authentically, as if you're talking to someone in person.
How did I do it? By shifting my mindset to give all that I can and to be best at what I do: To be a kick-butt designer. That phrase has been important in this whole process. I recite to myself each day with my morning coffee. It's changed how I communicate both in person as well as online.
We can all adopt a positive mindset and be the most kick-butt at whatever we do, form genuine connections and be successful in how we communicate.
- Kayla Cote van Rensburg
2025 ©Cote Creative, LLC
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